Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Jamie Dornan Says Learning to Use a Whip Has Changed His Life

Jamie Dornan has admitted to having picked up some very naughty skills since becoming Christian Grey in the Fifty Shades trilogy. And those skills are of course related to bondage and being dominant. Thanks to a BDSM guru, Jamie is an expert with a whip. I'll be honest here -- I have zero interest in being whipped, but there is something so sexy about imagining Dornan practicing whip techniques and the sound of that whip cracking on the ground. Fantasy, people -- that's what this is all about. I'm okay with fantasizing about being whipped (or, really, whipping), but it lives in my oh-so-adventurous mind. (Aside: I'm suddenly hungry for whipped cream.)
Our sexy Mr. Grey told Variety magazine that he wasn't skilled in whippery (whipping? whip tricks?) before Fifty Shades, but he did get the hang of it thanks to an "adviser" in the field of bondage. "It's really like fly fishing," he said with his sexy accent.
So Jamie mastered the art of whipping while Dakota Johnson was all heck no and made sure to get a butt double for those scenes. Can't blame her. Especially if Jamie likened it to fly fishing, which I'm led to believe the man likes, because who would even mention fly fishing unless they have fly fished before. Adding to the intrigue, Jamie said about learning the tricks of the whip trade, "I learned all sorts of tricks that will support me through my life." Anyone else have their eyebrows raised? Because this can't just mean his learnings will make him a better fly fisherman, right?
Naughty, naughty, Dornan. 

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