Wednesday, August 24, 2016



The magazine Shortlist published a new interview of Jamie on its website. A very interesting and original interview as Jamie gives a a list of things he likes to do when he is bored in transports or waiting for them.
A TV Show to watch: The Sopranos
I think there’s a generation of people who missed out on The Sopranos the first time around. I came to The Sopranos late and watched all six series in a four-month period about three years ago. It’s the best television that will probably ever be made. The performances are flawless, particularly Gandolfini and Edie Falco. It’s so hard to believe that he’s not a crime boss. Every nuance of both of their performances could be analysed and studied and taught. It’s just total embodiment of a character, which is all you can ask for. It’s just phenomenal in its scale, its scope and its delivery.
An album to listen to: Astral Weeks by Van Morrison
I simply cannot tire of it. Even yesterday, Madame George came on in the background and I was still moved by it. He’s a very important export of our country. I’d say I have an eclectic taste, but my comfort zone is anything from mid-Sixties to mid-Seventies folk and rock.
A movie to watch: Badlands
Without Badlands there would be no True Romance. I’m a massive Malick fan, particularly when he sticks to a more linear narrative. I like Badlands because it’s more straightforward; a bit more classic in terms of movie-making. And for me, for my money, Martin Sheen gives my favourite on-screen performance of all time.
A podcast to listen to: This American Life
I got introduced years ago and I’m always amazed by it still. There’s something about the storytellers they get and the people involved in it.
A book to read: The Fountainhead de Ayn Rand
It is essentially a novel, but people draw a lot of parallels in terms of what it actually represents. It made me feel way more intelligent than I actually am. It just took me, from the moment I started reading it. An incredible piece of writing.” 
An app to download: Pause
This collects all the great articles from Uncut, Mojo… and has them all in an app, instead of having to buy the magazines. I have a feeling it might be free. It feels like every time I buy an app I have absolutely no idea how much I’m spending.

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